Furitek team brings high quality components to the micro crawlers with high quality and innovative electronics and hardwares. ALCAZAR Transmission System is a power house for your micro trucks. It includes a powerful KOMODO brushless motor with its aluminum CNC motor mount. A complete gear system with aluminum CNC gear box...
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Furitek team brings high quality components to the micro crawlers with high quality and innovative electronics and hardwares.
ALCAZAR Transmission System is a power house for your micro trucks. It includes a powerful KOMODO brushless motor with its aluminum CNC motor mount. A complete gear system with aluminum CNC gear box is also provided together with an aluminum CNC skid plate. The whole system is machined with precision aluminum 7075 by CNC machines for highest tolerance and precision yet elegant.
Simply supply the Furitek Lizard Pro or Tegu Pro esc to this system to make it become a power system for your favorite micro trucks.
Suitable for these trucks
*** REMINDER ***
Furitek Alcazar Transmission doesn't support SCX24 chassis or any SCX24 based chassis.
To be honest I feel that if you order this system that instead of them including a receiver that does no good and a short wire that they should add in the monster gears that would interchange with the plastic gears which would be three small ones and two that go around the shaft for the tires and maybe charge another 10 or $15 instead of charging almost $250 and I understand shipping is part of that and giving you stuff that's not needed for this system like I said I bought the same similar system for my C10 I love both results that I got out of it but I couldn't see paying the extra money for the Rhino system and getting stuff that was absolutely unnecessary and the previous comments is true You will break gears if you get into a bind However with a new metal gears It is less likely but you still have to make sure you don't get it and I'm buying When I ordered this system from my C10 I got more torque but not necessarily more speed because of the way the gears are set up I do enjoy this system But it does have its faults it works differently for one type of vehicle than it does another type my C10 I have it altered up to a hundred right now and works great other than not very fast however am I 6 by 6 I sighted from what I stated before I have it set for 75 forward and 65 reverse and waiting on my new monster gears to change both rear end so I don't have this problem of breaking gears I find it funny that they have a metal pin with a plastic gear attached to it if it was one solid piece you would probably either Twisted off or Break It clean off but I do enjoy this system for the power and torque that it produces an any vehicle that I have put it in like I said my in my C10 I pushed a 24 pack of soda 4 inches before i popped out my drive shaft out of place if not break anything we'll be going to aluminum and will have to be much more careful I do really enjoy the system but like I said it works different and anything you put it in depending on the gear system and the rest of your vehicle
To be honest I feel that if you order this system that instead of them including a receiver that does no good and a short wire that they should add in the monster gears that would interchange with the plastic gears which would be three small ones and two that go around the shaft for the tires and maybe charge another 10 or $15 instead of charging almost $250 and I understand shipping is part of that and giving you stuff that's not needed for this system like I said I bought the same similar system for my C10 I love both results that I got out of it but I couldn't see paying the extra money for the Rhino system and getting stuff that was absolutely unnecessary and the previous comments is true You will break gears if you get into a bind However with a new metal gears It is less likely but you still have to make sure you don't get it and I'm buying When I ordered this system from my C10 I got more torque but not necessarily more speed because of the way the gears are set up I do enjoy this system But it does have its faults it works differently for one type of vehicle than it does another type my C10 I have it altered up to a hundred right now and works great other than not very fast however am I 6 by 6 I sighted from what I stated before I have it set for 75 forward and 65 reverse and waiting on my new monster gears to change both rear end so I don't have this problem of breaking gears I find it funny that they have a metal pin with a plastic gear attached to it if it was one solid piece you would probably either Twisted off or Break It clean off but I do enjoy this system for the power and torque that it produces an any vehicle that I have put it in like I said my in my C10 I pushed a 24 pack of soda 4 inches before i popped out my drive shaft out of place if not break anything we'll be going to aluminum and will have to be much more careful I do really enjoy the system but like I said it works different and anything you put it in depending on the gear system and the rest of your vehicle